kin•dom community is a queer-led organization creating space for queer belonging and celebration. Inspired by the concept first named by theologian Ada Maria Isasi-Diaz, “kin•dom” is the full inclusion and interdependent relationship of all people. The word “kin•dom” offers an alternative to "kingdom" and allows a more expansive view of how we are all connected. It moves beyond dynamics of power and oppression, and invites us all to see the ways we are interconnected and made better together. In response to a growing awareness that we are hungry for connection but wounded by religion, kin•dom invites us to make our own meaning marked by true, intentional inclusion.
We were founded as a 1001 New Worshipping Community in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Keeping our history in mind, we work to dismantle prejudices within spiritual spaces, heal the harm done, and exemplify a more expansive understanding of what spirituality can look like in the world. This work is supported by partnerships in the PC(USA) and UMC.
We are currently seeking new board members through our new board member application. We encourage you to apply or share with someone else you think would be interested. Application closes on March 1st.