kin·dom community
creating space for queer belonging and celebration
kin·dom community
creating space for queer belonging and celebration
creating space for queer belonging and celebration
creating space for queer belonging and celebration
kin∙dom community is a queer-led organization creating space for queer belonging and celebration. Inspired by the concept first named by theologian Ada María Isasi-Díaz, we seek to be an example of the interdependent relationships that are possible when all people in the margins are seen, heard, nurtured, and celebrated for their full selves. kin·dom envisions a world where love and inclusion are the norm.
In July of 2022, we launched kin•dom camp - a summer camp experience for LGBTQ+ youth that affirms the goodness and wholeness of their identities. This program epitomizes what we work to create in the world - a culture of life-saving relationship, affirmation, and joy. Campers will have the chance to experience all the fun that camp has to offer in a week filled with community and celebration.
The work of creating intentional space for LBGTQIA+ people requires all of us. Supporting kin•dom with a tax-deductible monthly contribution ensures that this work continues.